How can I place an order?

To place an order, simply browse our products, select the items you want, add them to your cart, and proceed to checkout. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your purchase.

What payment methods do you accept?
We accept major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), PayPal, and other secure payment methods as listed at checkout.

How long will it take to receive my order?
Delivery times vary depending on your location and the shipping method chosen. Typically, orders are delivered within 3-7 business days.

Do you offer international shipping?
Currently, we do not offer international shipping. We only ship within the domestic United States. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Do you offer free shipping?
Yes, we offer free shipping on orders of $35 and up. For orders below this amount, standard shipping rates apply.

What is your return policy?
At this time, we do not accept returns or offer refunds. We take great care to ensure the quality of our products before they are shipped. If you have any issues with your order, please contact our customer service team, and we will do our best to assist you.

How do I track my order?
Once your order has shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this number on our website to track your order.

Can I change or cancel my order after it has been placed?
If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request.

Are your products eco-friendly?
Yes, we prioritize sustainability and offer a range of eco-friendly products. Please check the product descriptions for more information.

What if an item is out of stock?
If an item is out of stock, you can sign up for notifications on the product page to be alerted when it becomes available again.

How can I find out about discounts and promotions?
Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay updated on the latest discounts and promotions.

Can I use more than one discount code on an order?
Only one discount code can be applied per order. Please choose the code that offers you the best savings.

Do you have any promotions right now?
Yes, we currently offer a 10% discount on your first order when you subscribe to our email list. Sign up on our website to receive your discount code and stay updated on our latest offers.

How can I contact customer support?
You can reach our customer support team via email at sales@divanihal.com.

Do you have a live chat option?
Yes, we offer live chat support on our website. Click the chat icon in the bottom right corner to start a conversation with one of our representatives.

What is Diva Nihal’s mission statement?
Diva Nihal is a brand of ancient Sudanese Khumra, Bakhoor, Air fresheners, and Candles with a touch of elegance. We love to connect with customers and share our Sudanese culture and beauty. Our purpose is to ensure that all customers get the best services whenever they shop or interact with Diva Nihal. Each product is designed with the finest ingredients sourced from around the globe, hand-blended, and then hand-poured and packaged to perfection. From unwrapping to using these products, everyone is sure to spark moments that enlighten, entertain, and energize.  

What is Bakhoor?
Bukhoor or Bakhoor is the Arabic name given to scented woodchips soaked in fragrant oils and mixed with other natural ingredients (Musk, Clove, Sandalwood, flower oils and others). Purifying the air with Bakhoor is one of the Sudanese daily rituals – They start the day with a refreshing scent and wind down with a soothing fragrance before bed. Sudanese bakhoor comes in a wide variety of scents that can complement every culture and lifestyle. 

Bakhoor is used on happy occasions such as a wedding ceremony, baby showers or just to refresh your home smell. It has an exotic and beautiful aroma spread in the air and make it pleasant.  Bakhoor is not gender-specific and can be enjoyed by men or women.

How to use Bakhoor?
There are three methods for burning the incense:

  1. Using the electric burner. A burner such as an electrical one is required to fast start and safely burn bakhoor. You just place a pinch of the bakhoor on the burner and experience the fascinating bakhoor aroma.
  2. For more safer and smokeless way of burning bakhoor with ease. Simply place a piece of bakhoor on the copper plate and light a tealight candle below. We recommend tealight candles with a 3 to 4 hours burn time. This will steadily build up the aroma of the bakhoor. In an unventilated room, the aroma of the bakhoor will spread to about 400 square feet.
  3. Using charcoal. First, light up a piece of charcoal. Apply fire (matchstick or lighter) to the charcoal disc till it’s ready. Soon after, you observe a gray ash over the top of the disc (which means the disc is already hot enough to put bakhoor on it), place the bakhoor on top of the charcoal disc while allowing it to burn inside the Incense burner (Mubkhar). Now, you’re ready to experience the fascinating bakhoor aroma.

Please, place a small quantity of the bakhoor and it will be enough. It is not efficient to use large quantities at one time. If you put small quantity, it will burn for a while and stop (30 to 60 seconds) then, remove the brunt one and add a new batch on the same charcoal. 

Please, be careful not to cause fire when using charcoal and incense burners at home also it is safe not to burn bakhoor while there is somebody sleeping in place since this can take some oxygen from the room (open windows after the room is saturated with the fragrance smoke). 

Please, let the smoke of fragrance fill the air of the place but not too much since this can take much oxygen from the room. The fragrance stays there after the smoke goes away. Don't open the windows till the room is saturated with the fragrance carried by the smoke of bakhoor.

How is Bakhoor made traditionally?
Bakhoor is made mainly of natural ingredients and every maker that cooks the bakhoor has their own secret recipe. The Sudanese inherited the art of making Bakhoor from their great ancestors and still keep the secret from generation to generation.

What are the benefits of Bakhoor?
Bakhoor calms the body, removes negative energies, enhanced awareness, and reduces anxiety. It is highly effective for meditation, enlightenment, bringing deep tranquility and relaxation.

Where is Sudan?
Sudan is a country located in northeastern Africa. The name Sudan derives from the Arabic expression Sudan which means land of the blacks.

Which festivals are celebrated in Sudan?

  • Ramadan
  • Eid al-Fitr
  • Eid al-Adha

What is Khumra?
Khumra is a unique perfume used by women in Sudan. It has a distinctive scent that makes women more alluring. Seductiveness is embedded in the history of Sudanese perfume — that's how it's passed on from generation to generation all the way to our family.

How is Khumra made traditionally?
A paste is made from powdered ingredients such as Sandalwood, Mahlab, cloves, Cinnamon, Cardamom and musk. The paste is then smoked in a charcoal fire with chips of sandalwood, Oud and agar woods. After this, we add Sandalwood powder, Musk powder, with various aromatic oils. Finally, the smoked paste is infused with oil to produce the perfume. Maturing the Khumra occurs immediately after the perfume concentrate has completely diluted in alcohol, a process that may take up to a month. Aging occurs afterwards for a period of several months or years. It's quite true that an aged Khumra is usually more expensive than a recent-made one.

How to use Khumra?
Khumra roller bottles can be rolled onto wrists, behind your earlobes and the ends of your hair. Make sure to keep them away from your eyes and don’t put them inside your ears. The Perfume scent does not come immediately. It will take some time to start up and get strong as it mingles with your body heat. Our highly concentrated Khumra can be used in a diffuser; place five drops into an oil diffuser or add to a small bowl of salt – perfect for small spaces like a bathroom or power spot.

What are Cedar balls?
Cedar has long been known for its moth repelling qualities as a natural insect repellent. Our aromatic cedar balls are infused with the rich Sudanese inspired sensual and smoky scent. The smells of cedar ball create a clear and calming affect and promotes a soothing atmosphere, especially when meditating. Our product will freshen your room and closet's contents. 

How to use Cedar balls?
Cedar balls are placed in drawers, storage bags, cabinets, lockers, cars, or anywhere in your home. Cedarwood contains an extraordinary oil mix that makes it so strong. When the fragrance fades, sand the wood lightly to draw it out. Avoid placing balls directly on clothes – the wood's oils may leave a stain.

What is Botanical candle?
Botanical candle is aesthetic candle. The candle is decorated with dried flowers, herbs and crystals. 

How to use Botanical candles?
Always use our candles as directed. The first time you light your candle, allow it to burn until the wax pool melts to the edge. Trim your wick each time you light the candle, removing any "bloom" from the previous burn. Ensure that your candle is placed on a heat-safe surface. Do not allow wick trimmings, dust, or other materials to accumulate in the wax pool. Keep them within sight and away from little hands, paws, and anything flammable. For safest use, do not burn our candles past the last 1/2" of wax.

What is the cost of shipping?
The shipping company decides the price based on quantity, size and location. Please check costs on the shipping page when checking out.

What payment methods do you accept?
We accept major credit cards, Shop Pay, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Facebook Pay.

How to get a refund?

Since all the products are final, we do not accept refunds or exchanges. We do accept requests for cancellation of orders within 24 hours of order placement. We don't accept returns of items unless the item you purchased is defective upon our confirmation. If you receive an incorrect item, please contact us at sales@divanihal.com.

We do not accept defective or incorrect item refunds after 7 days of delivery. Please email us with your order number, details of the product, and the image of the defect. We will get back to you if the item is eligible for return. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging. If an item cannot be replaced, the purchase price will be refunded.

How long does the shipping take?
It takes a few days to ship and you can track your order using the shipping tracking number that will be sent to you.

What do I do if I do not receive my shipment?
Check your shipping information tracking using your tracking number for delivery details, find out when your shipment is delivered and contact your shipping company. We will refund you if your shipment is not received.

How do I store the Body Scrub?
Store our Raw Sugar Scrub in a cool, dry place.

My skin is ultra-sensitive — can I use this body scrub?
Our Raw Brown Sugar Scrub is gentle enough for sensitive skin, however avoid using in areas with dermatitis or compromised or broken skin. 

Do I use the Body Scrub before or after shaving?
We recommend using our Raw Brown Sugar Scrub before shaving.

How long is body butter good for?

When stored in a clean and air-tight container, this homemade body butter will last up to 6 months.

Body butter is a thick cream that is deeply moisturizing. It can help you protect your skin from dryness.
Can body butter be used daily?
If you have dry skin, it's best to use body butter daily. Meanwhile, if you have normal or oily skin you may only need to use body butter every 2-3 days.
What does Body Mist used for?
A Body Mist is used to scent and hydrate the skin. Like perfumes, these can be applied directly to the skin. Their longevity is shorter than that of perfumes as body mists are less concentrated

How long does the Body Mists last for?

Approximately 2-3 hours.

How long can you keep fragrance oil?
The average shelf life of fragrance oil is about one year.

Should fragrance oils be refrigerated?
Store your oils in a room that is kept cool and dry. The ideal place to store essential oils is in the refrigerator

How long do solid perfume last?
It lasts about 4-8 hours and is designed to wear off over time. In the heat or in Summer months, you will likely need to reapply more often.